Thursday, June 12, 2008

The School Year Endth and the Summer Commences.....

It's the last day of school. The Prince is at an amusement park 3 hours away with his fellow, newly graduated 8th graders. The Princess is at a local rollerskating rink with her fellow 6th grade buddies. They will be returning to school to eat pizza and watch a movie. I am at home. Listless and bored. I still have to peel a few things off the bulletin board in my classroom. I have covered my bookcase with paper to protect the books from dust and dirt and what not. Nothing like I have had to do in the past. I'll get to it in another hour or so. No hurry.

Yesterday - at the last staff meeting for the shcool year - my principal asked that we share a 'celebration' for the year. What was something that had gone especially right for us? As they went around the large circle, I sat there pondering what my celebration would be. It would have to be the whole freaking year.

Last year at this time I was scurrying to empty out a classroom that I had inhabited for five years. There were boxes and cupboards and shelves and more boxes to be sorted through. I know that I pitched $5000 worth of books and teaching materials in the dumpster. No one wanted them. It broke my heart. There were other boxes and toys and books given to an incoming Kindergarten teacher. 26 years of teaching were honed into 6 plastic bins, one book shelf of books and one small cupboard shelf.It took many, many hours. Today I have to peel some things off a bulletin board, clear some names and files off some computer programs....and I am done. Finished for the year. Heh.

And I love my job. I LOVE my job. I LOVE MY JOB! It has been more creative and challenging than I ever thought possible. I have gone on an adventure where Kindergarteners dug their little fingers inside an open computer to see what they could pull out. Second graders were visually and vocally awed when I showed them something new to do. Fifth graders fairly burst with pride when I would study their project and then say ' me how you did that again...' Fourth graders....ah those people pleasing, ever positive fourth graders...truely delighted in becoming independent and productive and sucessful in the Tech Lab. I can't wait for school to start again.

Between now and then are eleven weeks of camps and events and vacations. I will be in the road to soccer tryouts, band camp, skateboard camp, soccer camp, Youth Police Academy, sleepovers, etc. We are going to Boston in August. We are hoping to get a little bit of camping in as well. And I can't wait for school to start. Maybe I will feel differently in August. The Prince heads to high school in September. Yikes.

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