Every family has one, I am sure. The little greasy spoon...restaurant dive....that holds memories galore. For my children and I, it's this place. The Super Chief. Foot long coney dogs with buttery grilled buns and messy, mild chili. The greasiest, best tasting onion rings in the world. Cherry cokes still made with real cherry syrup and bits of real cherries in the bottom of your cup that plug up your straw. I don't think I have ever had anything else there in....forever. I know we went for breakfast one Saturday once...but it wasn't the same.
The Super Chief has been a favorite of my family's for a good long while. Back then it was a drive in. You pulled your car in and someone came out to take your order. Food was brought to your car on a tray that balanced on your half open window. The perfect place for a summer evening dinner. I am not sure when they moved to this building. It may even have been a move back. My dad used to stop in for chili dogs when he was still driving a truck....way over 50 years ago. Once we gave my dad a tee shirt form the store as a Christmas gift. He was wearing it in Daytona Beach, Florida and was stopped by someone who knew the place. So they chatted a while. Memories....and chili dogs.
The restaurant is right around the corner from the building where I would spend hours working on materials for my classroom every summer. I would drag the kids there, set them to work and promise them the work session would be followed by a visit to the Super Chief. One such late summer day we sat in a tight corner booth having a rollicking conversation as we sipped away on cherry cokes. The Prince and I had discovered a - then new - Lewis and Clark coin in my change purse. We were talking about how cool it was when the Princess piped up with some comment. The Prince was rather disdainful and told her she didn't even know about Lewis and Clark. She informed him that she did so. It was Superman! Heh. (Before school routines involved watching a bit of 'LOIS and Clark' on television every morning.) That particular day a very well dressed lawyer type woman who had been reading the paper at the table next to us during our exchange, stopped by to tell me how much she had enjoyed my family that day. Heh. That's the type of place it is. No secrets.....and chili dogs.
Bob Wernat's Super Chief is located at 340 W Walton Blvd , Pontiac, MI
And they do take outs too. Phone - (248) 333-2028
How great!!!! In my husband's hometown, it's TacoTown. In my hometown, it's Donalds (and it has ONE ARCH!!!). We were just on a family vacay, and TacoTown was closed for the Sunday, and we couldn't eat at Donald's because there wasn't time. We won't make that same mistake again!
What a great story! Loved the pictures. Your son is getting so big - he is just a doll!
Just went to Super Chief for the first time today since living here in 1999. Loved it. My brother and I really enjoyed your blog post.
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