I went in to school today for a meeting about Summer Reading Club - which I volunteered to help out with. It begins next week and I will be absent. Friday morning - bright and early - we are headed for Boston...
determined to have a great time.
I have never been so anal about anything in my entire life. Our 'vacations' are usually limited to a weekend of camping or running from one game to the other for a soccer tournament. There have been three weekend trips to Chicago and trips out of town to visit family but this is the first BIG trip to somewhere new. By ourselves. This time we have hotel rooms reserved - and PAID for...tickets to a Red Sox game at Fenway... reservations for the Princess and I to join a whale watch expedition....and Boston Go Cards guaranteed to get us into all the fun sights. We have list after list of the free stuff we wanna do too. Before we get there though, we are stopping at the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown and the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, MA. And we are diverting our trip home to include a swing through Gettysburg National Park. We are going to have a GREAT time dammit. And I haven't even packed. I am packing for four because I am the only one in the family able to color coordinate things. REALLY. Ask ANYONE. It's my fatal flaw.
But BEFORE we go, tomorrow we have reservations for 15-17 immediate family members at a restaurant to celebrate HRH and his twin's birthday...Thursday the Prince 'graduates' from the Youth Police Academy...and right now the Princess is off and running on a brand spanking new motocross bike...10 days shy of her 13th birthday. We are going to be on the road for that momentous day so we gave in and she got it early. Hey wait a minute. Didn't she flip over the handle bars of a motocross bike and land on her back at 'the best camp ever'?? With the bike on TOP of her?? How did she sneak that one by us??? Sheesh. I need Tylenol.
The week after our return are four - count 'em FOUR - days of high school soccer team tryouts for the Prince and that is followed by a week of soccer conditioning camp for the Princess. I will be putting in my time with Summer Reading Club for two weeks. Then I think there is a long weekend before I have to report for staff development training. Heh. WHY does all of this stuff have to happen at once??? I think I need a vacation from summer vacation. When does school start again??
1 comment:
What is the deal with this Prince and Princess? GIVE US ALL A BREAK.
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