I am a part time Teacher. For the last eight years I have taught Kindergarten 2 and a half days a week or two days one week and three days the next week. Last year, my first as a Technology intructor, I was in class every Monday, Wednesday morning and Friday. This year I was upgraded to an 8/10ths position. I work four full days a week. It's a perfect life. My paycheck has almost doubled. I have every Tuesday off to do 'my' thing. It's for house cleaning issues, errands, appointments, lunch dates, extra school activities, etc. etc. For the past month and a half Tuesdays have been packed with 'must dos.' Except for today.
HRH is at a training session for his UAW position deep in the 'up north' of Michigan for the whole week. Where they have snow. Many inches of snow. Last night the Princess told me she had signed up for Jazz Band at school and needed to be at her middle school by 7:15....a.m. Sooo...instead of our usual 'wake Princess at 6:45, drive Prince to high school, come home, breakfast with Princess, make lunch and drive her to middle school by 8' Tuesday morning routine, I got them BOTH up at 6, made a healthy, hearty breakfast sandwich for BOTH of them, packed a veggie and dip lunch bowl for her lunch, drove him to the high school, tarried on to the middle school, dropped her off and came back home. All in my jammies, thick heavy socks and ugly orange crocs that I was ecstatic to purchase for $7 in South Carolina last summer before realizing the nobody anywhere wears ugly orange crocs in public which is why they were only $7. It's only 8:30 am and I have no where to go. For the whole day.
Soooo....I am planning to make myself a sugar free hot chocolate, pour a bowl of corn flakes with frozen blueberries on top (yum...love the way the milk freezes around those babies!), plug a movie into the dvd player and grade the 250+ papers that need to be recorded in order to mark the 500+ report cards I need to do in the next few weeks. Maybe I will do a few loads of laundry and fill another bag with clothes for the Salvation Army. Maybe..... And outside? Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!! Loving these ugly orange crocs......
1 comment:
It's those days that I remember -- and while I miss so much -- so much about teaching -- I do not miss the grading --not in the least.
And you and I have to talk sometime about whether your children take the CogAT test -- we're having some problems with W in school and though his mother is an elementary school teacher -- we can't seem to find the right path to engage him --
At any rate -- I hope you get your work done -- all cozy and warm!
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