Just got back from taking our Princess to her very first concert. The Prince would have been along but we had dropped him off at soccer camp earlier in the day. We went to the DTE Energy Theater - which will forever be 'Pine Knob' to me - and had an absolute blast. We were to see Steven Curtis Chapman and Michael W. Smith. Both are esteemed Christian singers with quite a resume as song writers and award winners as well. It is very interesting to attend a concert that begins with prayer....and is beleaguered with one power outage after another. I thought the event would be a bit heart wrenching and instead we got to see an awesome entertainer who tried his hardest to put on a show. His first song, the one he said resonated through his head and heart on May 21st when his family lost it's youngest member to a devastating accident - 'Blessed Be Your Name', was the only song he managed to finish before the theater blew a fuse. LOL He laughed a little, prayed a little, danced a little, read the Bible an little and generally kept trying again and again. (There were power outages in surrounding areas that caused the problem.) What a guy! Such courage. Such tenacity. Such a sense of humor!!
The Princess declared drummer Will and his guitar playing big brother, Caleb, to be 'hotties' (and I am still telling myself that she has NO idea what that means yet...please!), went to the bathroom 15 times (okay, so I am exaggerating...maybe), ate her way through a tub of popcorn and a package of candied almonds, drank her way through a bottle of water, a lemonade, a Pepsi and a blue raspberry Icee, and bought a glow in the dark necklace. She also delighted in catching the fireflies that were flitting about in the dark as we waited. On the way out of the parking lot she declared the concert to be 'lots of fun'. They are going to try to reschedule so we are supposed to hang on to our tickets.....but I wouldn't have missed this evening for the world. Do you hear that Steven Curtis Chapman and crew?? You totally ROCK!
We were there waiting for the power right along with you. My daughter declared it to be the best concert she has ever been to and she has been to a full SCC concert before. It was amazing even though there were problems. That in itself is a testimony to the power of God in the lives of these men.
How wonderful!!!
I wish I could see him in concert. What an inspiration.
Yeah...I didn't think we were going to be able to go and then the local paper ran a 50% off deal on tickets to any concert. It was a great evening for all of us. : )
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